Monday, October 29, 2012

Dead But Never Gone

One thing that stood out to me in the Harry Potter stories is the idea that nothing can touch Harry because he is protected by his mother's love. His mother who stood in the way to take the deathblow of the enemy intended for him. In the stories that love became a physical shield an almost palpable lining that ran through his skin.

They say if you have been lucky enough to experience abundant love from your parents you increase the chances of turning out to be a basically good person. I think what it does is prepare you for whatever life has to throw at you. Having known unconditional love like that assures you that it exists and that you are capable of giving it just as well. My mother has passed for over a decade now and yet she remains to be a force in my life. When I make a decision I always consider how she would feel about it or how she would decide on it. This is the same with my father. 

My mom's birthday was yesterday the 19th of November and this event brings into focus just how big an influence she is in my life. She's no saint, she can rant and rave all day long, but not being with her for a decade now all I remember are her qualities that I admire most. She did not have a good education but she is the most politically correct (even before these words were coined) person I know. There is not a mean bone in her body, no vulgarity comes out of her mouth. She is also very refined and tasteful, that is saying a lot considering that she lived most of her growing years in the province. It always seemed like she perfectly fits into any place or situation she is in. Many people trusted her to always be fair and above-board. When she gets wind of nasty things said about her she just shrugs it off and waits for the right moment to confront her haters. She listens to people's problems but seldom bothered anyone with hers.

Her love may not be equally distributed (as there are some needing it more than others) but there's no question that she loved us all completely and utterly. Sometimes we disappoint her but she never hated any of us.She doesn't know how to hate.It is no wonder that I can relate to that mother's-love idea in Harry Potter. I know that kind of love because I have experienced it first-hand, i feel its protection, and so I wish it for everyone else...happy birthday mommy (11/19/36)

Author: Monie Maunay


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